What kind of energy are you bringing to your world?

Every man brings energy to his world. Some men bring positive energy and some are energy vampires.

You need to surround yourself with men who generate positive energy. Men who do what’s right, do their best and put others first.

That kind of energy is contagious. The more of it you take in the more you’ll spread it to those you spend the most time with. Friends, spouse, kids, co-workers. It’s the kind of energy we need more of.

A warning, because men crave belonging to group. We’ll do a lot to stay in a group after we’ve been accepted in to it, even allowing a group’s negative energy to turn us into the opposite of what we want to be. We go from a gentleman who spreads positive energy, to an energy vampire, constantly looking for a guy to suck the life out of.

Do an energy inventory this week and start deleting the negative sources while you search for positive replacements.