You Always Get Paid For The Work You Put In


Nobody argues when you say “what goes up, must come down”. Gravity is gravity. It doesn’t have to be defended or proven. It just is. There’s another law that’s just as true but too many young guys don’t believe it: You always get paid for the work you put in- sometimes now, sometimes later but always eventually.

Are you putting in 50 hours a week at your job but haven’t gotten a raise or promotion? Don’t worry about it, you’ll get paid eventually. Do more than you’re paid for now and eventually you’ll be paid more. Don’t get impatient.

One of the toughest things to realize as a young guy, is it won’t happen overnight. There’s actually no such thing as an overnight sensation. Not even guys like:

Mark Zuckerburg
Steve Jobs
Tiger Woods
Lebron James
Kobe Bryant

Every one of these guys invested thousands of hours before he got paid. Tiger hit a thousand balls a day for free for years before he turned pro and got paid. Lebron put in hundreds of gym-rat hours before he was drafted in the first round and got paid

So don’t trick yourself into thinking you’ll be a millionaire in a year. The only way that’s going to happen is if you win the lottery. Just put your head down and get really good at something. That’s how you get paid.